清水 一滴
Kazushi Shimizu
Head of Sustainability Solutions
Daiwa Securities
Kazushi Shimizu is managing director in Sustainability Solutions and since 2018 has headed the team that promotes sustainable finance. He was a member of the committee that updated the 2020 Green Bond Guidelines for Japan’s Ministry of the Environment.
Mr Shimizu has more than 20 years’ experience in debt capital markets and has been responsible for many Japanese bond issues for corporations and Fiscal Investment and Loan Program agencies. Mr Shimizu has originated and executed public bond issues across a range of sectors and in recent years has contributed to Daiwa’s efforts in green, social, and sustainability bonds.
西澤 かおり
フィナンシャル・インスティテューションズ ダイレクター
2015 年 10 月フィッチ・レーティングスの金融機関格付グループに入社。東京オフィスより日本の銀行及びその他金融機関の格付を担当。
Kaori Nishizawa
Director, Financial Institutions
Fitch Ratings
Kaori Nishizawa joined Fitch Ratings in October 2015 and is a director in the Financial Institutions group. Based in Tokyo, Ms Nishizawa leads Fitch’s Japanese banks and non-bank financial institutions portfolio.
Ms Nishizawa previously worked as a credit risk officer in various financial institutions in Japan and Mexico. She has covered banks, non-bank financial institutions and corporates.
池崎 陽大
執行役員 共同キャピタル・マーケッツ・グループ長 マネージング・ディレクター
Haruhiro Ikezaki
Managing Director, Executive Officer, Co-Head of Capital Markets
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities
Haruhiro Ikezaki has more than 20 years’ experience in capital markets and has worked on numerous transactions, both domestic and international deals.
He has spearheaded the development of ESG bonds in Japan and is strongly committed to further expanding the market.
河村 仁志
1997 年に野村證券に入社後、一貫して国内外の発行体の直接金融市場における債券・株式等の引受業務に従事。2010 年より野村国際(香港) グローバルファイナンス、2015 年より資本市場部名古屋担当部長、2021 年 4 月より現職。
Hitoshi Kawamura
Managing Director, Head of Debt Capital Markets
Nomura Securities
Hitoshi Kawamura is head of DCM, leading ESG initiatives in Japan while working closely with Nomura’s global DCM franchise.
He joined Nomura in 1997 and has been based in Hong Kong, Nagoya and Tokyo, and has delivered financing and services through the capital markets to Japanese and overseas clients.
銭谷 美幸
運用企画部 フェロー
第一生命保険が保有する約 38 兆円の総資産への ESGインテグレーションの統括及び ESG 投資の推進を担当。第一生命保険には 2013年入社、2014年スチュワードシップコード導入後は、機関投資家として同社の保有株式・債券投資先企業とのエンゲージメントを推進し、社内の基盤体制を構築。ESG投資関連の各省庁の会議の委員を歴任。現在、VRF(SASB)のIAG/APACの共同議長、インパクト投資をグローバルで推進する GSG国内諮問委員会委員等を務める。
Miyuki Zeniya
Head of Sustainable Finance
The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company
Miyuki Zeniya is responsible for integrating ESG into Dai-ichi Life’s assets under management – which total approximately ¥38trn – and for promoting sustainable finance/ESG investment.
Prior to her current role she was responsible for engagement with investee companies following Dai-ichi Life signing up to the Japan Stewardship Code in 2014. She was a member of several working groups in Japanese ministries. She is a co-chair of IAG/APAC of VRF (SASB) and is a board member of GSG-NAB Japan.
堀内 一
財務部 資金チームリーダー・次長
Hajime Horiuchi
Head of Treasury, Finance Department
Mitsubishi Corp
Hajime Horiuchi joined the company in 2001 and has a broad range of experience across treasury, accounting and risk management. He has spent about 15 years in treasury in Japan and Singapore and is an expert in Asian financial regulations. He has been in his post since July 2019.
百瀬 真也
財務部門 資金部長
Shinya Momose
Vice President, Finance Office, Finance and Accounting Department
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone
Shinya Momose oversees funding for the entire NTT Group.
After joining in 1995, he held key positions in finance and accounting, including accounting, investor relations and group strategy and the executive office of NTT and NTT East.
He has been in his current position since July 2020.
鈴木 孝典
Kosuke Suzuki
Deputy Director Bond Section, Budget Division, Bureau of Finance
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Kosuke Suzuki has been in charge of developing Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s funding plan since April 2020, including bond price negotiations and the coordination of investor meetings.
In 2021, Mr Suzuki was involved in Met Tokyo’s inaugural social bond issue, the first of its kind from a Japanese municipality, as well as its funding activity of approximately ¥850bn.
Mr Suzuki joined Met Tokyo in 2007 and has worked in the Bureau of Urban Development, Bureau of Finance and Office for Promotion of Citizen Safety.
岡本 賢裕
Takahiro Okamoto
Senior Analyst (moderator)
Takahiro Okamoto is a senior analyst at IFR in Tokyo. He has worked for the company for more than 20 years, initially writing commentary on the Japanese money market before expanding his coverage to yen swaps, swaptions, and Japanese government bonds. He has reported on Samurai bonds since 2016.
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